Our human resources services include advisory, technology and administration solutions to help you effectively manage your HR programs while engaging your employees in their health, wealth and careers. Regardless of the size of your organization, we can help you establish, implement and manage you HR strategies. We are here to provide you with ongoing HR support every step of the way.
HR Service provided in compliance with:
Law Enforced
Policies & Procedures
Human Resources Services provided in compliance with the following law regulations - Accessibility, Alternative work arrangements, Code of conduct, Compensation, Confidentiality, Conflict of interest, Conflict resolution, Contract workers and employment status, Copyright, Discipline, Dress code, Employee expense policy, Employee non-solicitation, Employee records, Expenses and allowances, Harassment, Hiring, Hiring policies, Holidays, Hours of work, Outside employment, Overtime, Internet and e-mail use, Job evaluation, Leaves policies, Occupational health and safety, Pay administration, Performance management, Professional development, Privacy Policy, Recognition and reward, Retirement, Substance use, Termination, Vacation, Whistle blower, and Workplace diversity.
Employee Retirement Income (ERISA)
ERISA is a federal law that sets minimum standards for retirement and health benefit plans operating in the private sector. Rules require employers who offer benefits to meet certain minimum requirements, and covers defined retirement plans (small business retirement plans), group health insurance and other welfare benefit plans including life and disability plans.
Department of Labor
The Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws. The laws include regulations for Wages & Hours, Workplace Safety & Health, Workers' Compensation, Employee Benefits, Unions & their members, Employee Protection and other regulations.
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
The Affordable Care Act put in place comprehensive health insurance reforms that have improved access, affordability, and quality of health care for Americans. As for example, if your business has 50 or more fulltime employees, then you are required to offer health care coverage to employees who work an average of 30 or more hours per week. If your business has less then 50 employees, you can purchase affordable insurance through the Small Business Health Options Program using private insurance companies.

Hiring Support
Finding, interviewing, and selecting the right employees is critical. Our hiring support keeps you on track. We also provide background screening and onboarding tools, help you manage new hire paperwork, and offer tools for conducting and storing performance reviews.

Safety Program
Complimentary confidential service line dedicated to employee well-being. From emotional counseling to financial and legal matters, relationship challenges, personal and family problems, we make life just a little more manageable for your employees and their families.
Ongoing Human Resources Support
One of the most important things that a human resource department should do is to be available to help at all times. Problems can show up suddenly at any time.
With our services, you get a dependable human resource department with a support team always ready to assist you.
Workers' Compensation Plan Coverage & Claim Resolution
Employers are legally required to carry workers' compensation insurance, so it's important to work with an agency with a deep understanding of the issues and regulations involved.
Reduce your workers' compensation costs and get a designated specialist who will monitor the administration and coordination of your claims.
State Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment administration can become cumbersome and costly for business owners, who must maintain current paperwork and respond to claims in a timely manner, or else face costly penalties.
We will help your business save time, administrative hassles, and costs commonly associated with unemployment administration.
Employee Handbook
We will craft a custom handbook for your organization. Employee manuals both protect business from litigation and put staff members at ease by spelling out in positive terms the company's policies.

COBRA Administration
COBRA gives employees and their qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue benefit coverage under the employer’s medical plans, dental plans, vision plan, and flexible spending accounts when a “qualifying event” would normally result in the loss of eligibility.
Common examples of qualifying events:
Termination of employment
Death of the employee
Reduction in work hours
Retirement (if not eligible for retiree medical insurance)
Loss of eligibility by a dependent child.
Coverage may continue for differing lengths of time depending upon the reason for eligibility.
Under extended coverage, the eligible individual pays full cost of coverage at the employer’s group rate plus an administrative fee.
Upon initial enrollment in the plan, the employee receives the “Initial Notification of COBRA Rights” so that they and their dependent(s) are aware of their continuation rights.
Upon notification of a qualifying event by the employer, we are mailing the qualified beneficiary the following:
Introductory letter that defines their qualifying event and election time period
Continuation plan election form
Separate family enrollment form
Payment instruction
COBRA administrative services include:
Assured compliance, even when regulations change
Online service and reports
Premium collection services
Timely mailing of notices
Timely communication of eligibility data to carriers
Quality audit processing enrollment forms
Customized support for unique COBRA administrative requirements in regard to severance, leave of absence, and eligibility reporting